Safety & Security
Call 911 to reach police, fire or emergency medical services in an emergency
For non-emergencies contact the Residence Life attendant on duty at 362-1645 or the Seward Police Department dispatch at 224-3338.
Accident/Injury Reporting Procedures
All members of the campus community should report any accident or injury that occurs on campus, regardless of location or severity. If you are involved in an accident that causes an injury, seek immediate medical attention by calling 911 for emergency services. If emergency medical care is not necessary, please contact the Residence Life Office so staff can be aware of the incident. Individuals involved in any accident on campus should complete a Student Accident Report (available from any staff member) within 72 hours of the accident. Students are encouraged to notify their medical insurance provider within 48 hours of any personal accident or injury. Staff will assist the student with completion of the report upon request. The completed report should be submitted to the Human Resource staff in the First Lake building at 809 Second Avenue.
Campus Security
AVTEC does not maintain any campus law enforcement services or employees. The Seward Police Department (SPD) investigates any crime reports on the AVTEC campuses. Call 911 to reach police, fire, or emergency medical services in an emergency. For a non-emergency, contact the Seward Police Department at (907) 224-3338. Students are encouraged when they see something, to say something and contact the police with information about a crime or criminal activity. Members of the campus community can also contact the Residence Life office at (907) 362-1645 which is staffed 24/7 when students are present on campus. If a student would like to confidentially report a crime, they can do so by contacting an AVTEC counselor.
Emergency Notice, Response, and Shelter
In the event of an emergency, students will be notified with specific instructions and are expected to follow them. Emergency instructions may be provided via a public address system, telephonic or text messages. Students are encouraged to provide their cell phone numbers to the Business Office in order to receive messages from AVTEC in the event of an emergency.
Unless given specific direction, it is AVTEC policy to ‘shelter in place’ during any type of emergency. Individuals should remain where they are until being given other specific instructions or a building-specific alarm sounds requiring evacuation.
AVTEC’s Student Services Center is a designated community evacuation shelter, and in an emergency, students should go there where officials will provide further instruction.
First Aid & Emergency Supplies
First aid supplies for minor injuries are available in all training and residence life areas. Students must notify the closest available staff member if they require access to a first aid kit. If an injury requires more than basic first aid treatment, please call 911 or, if safe, bring the individual to the emergency room for assistance. Emergency supplies and equipment (fire extinguishers, alarm activators and related devices) are for emergency use only and should not be tampered with unless there is an emergency situation.
Students are encouraged to take appropriate action to prevent the spread of contagious illnesses (flu, cold, etc.). Students who are experiencing a potentially contagious illness should remain out of training and public areas until they are no longer contagious. Calling their instructor for an absence due to illness is the responsibility of the student and expected in all training programs.
All students are encouraged to use good hygiene, washing their hands frequently and seeking medical assistance when necessary for the treatment of illness.
Students living on campus who become ill should notify the Residence Life office of the nature of their illness. Residence Life staff will help students to access healthcare resources in the community and prevent the spread of illness by bringing meals to the student’s room.