Individual Tour Information
Thank you for your interest in touring AVTEC. The option to come and train at AVTEC is an amazing opportunity and we are happy to share the experience with prospective students. Here is a brief overview of what you should expect the reservation process to be, what will be on the tour, and some guidelines.
We will be offering individual tours every other Friday throughout the fall starting August 30th-November 22nd and the spring from January 31st-April 25th. All tours must be scheduled at least a week in advance of the tour date. To reserve a tour please contact AVTEC Admissions at [email protected] or (907) 224-3322. When you contact admissions, they will go over available dates and times and send you a reservations sheet. Please be aware that all tours will be scheduled on a first come, first served basis, by the date we receive your reservation sheet. We will then send you a confirmation email letting you know the status of your reservation and any information you will need.
The tours themselves will be about an hour long and will begin at the Student Services Center on 519 Fourth Ave. They will begin with a brief introduction and then we will head over to the dorms, cafeteria, and student services areas. You can then choose to tour a specific training area (choices are listed below).
- Construction Technology
- Culinary Arts
- Diesel/Heavy Equipment Technologies
- Industrial Electricity
- Industrial Machine and Maintenance
- Industrial Welding
- Information Technology
- Plumbing and Heating
- Refrigeration
- Maritime
Please note the following:
- No meals will be provided by AVTEC during the tour.
- Dormitories are not available for rent.
- Tours are a great way to share AVTEC with prospective students. However, please remind participants that while on campus they should be considerate of the students and staff that are currently training.